Martijn Koster

Author profile
Martijn is als universitair hoofddocent Culturele Antropologie en Ontwikkelingsstudies verbonden aan de Radboud Universiteit.

Martijn Koster ( is an associate professor at the department of Anthropology and Development Studies at Radboud University, Nijmegen, the Netherlands. He has conducted ethnographic research in Brazil and the Netherlands. Martijn has a PhD in Development Sociology from Wageningen University (2009). Currently, he is the Principal Investigator of the research project ‘Participatory urban governance between democracy and clientelism: Brokers and (in)formal politics’, funded by an ERC Starting Grant. In his approach, he combines urban anthropology, political anthropology and critical urban studies.

Martijn’s research interests include: participatory urban governance, brokerage, citizenship, informality, urban development and inequality.

Martijn leads the research project ‘Participatory urban governance between democracy and clientelism: Brokers and (in)formal politics’. This five-year research project (2016-2021) is funded by a Starting Grant from the European Research Council and includes four PhDs and a Postdoc. It ethnographically investigates the role of brokerage in participatory urban governance, and its implications for state-citizenship engagement, political representation and decision-making.