Nadia Casabella

Author profile
Nadia is founding partner van 1010au en universitair docent op de faculteit Architectuur van de Universiteit van Brussel

Nadia Casabella holds master’s degrees of science and engineering in architecture (1997) from the UPC Barcelona and in spatial and regional planning (2005) from the London School of Economics.

She is founding partner of 1010 architecture urbanism Ltd., adjunct professor at ULB Faculty of Architecture La Cambre-Horta, and research fellow at the Laboratory of Urbanism, Infrastructures and Ecology - LoUIsE. Her interest in infrastructural and ecological linkages and their socio-technical embededness has resulted in spatial planning schemes like “The shared valley” (T.OP NOORDRAND) and “The Coastal Line” (OSTEND GSRP). She has as well actively partaken in many international research by design collaborations like the masterclasses RE:WORK (2013), END OF LINE (2014), and UP-CYLE (2015), the Atelier Brussels Productive Metropolis (curated by AWB for the IABR 2016), the lectures' series “Designing with Flows” (ULB, 2015), or the Erasmus+ strategic partnership “Metropolitan e-studio” (2015-17).